Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Unfair Christmas

I was talking to my friend Alex just before the holidays about the Canadian Governments decision to ban “Merry Christmas”, and it got us talking about how if Christians are not allowed to express their religion then the other religions should not be allowed to express theirs. I do not care what it has to do with their side of the religion. If Christians are not allowed watch their Jesus centred Christmas specials on TV, then I do not want to see Hanukkah on the air, if they are not allowed to have Christmas trees in offices then I do not want to have to see people wearing turbans, why is it always that the Christians are getting the blunt of all of these attacks from organizations.

Do not reply to this with you are just ignorant, I feel that it is everyone else that is being ignorant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like everything in your argument is justified, except for your comparison of christmas trees and turbans. in no way are those two alike. christmas trees are secular principles of christmas and represent the spurt of christianity, and are often decorated once per year. turbans are mandatory headwear for sikhs. sikhs removing their turbans is like christians removing their affection for jesus.