(360/PC) Fallout 3 - After years of secrecy, the next big role-playing game from the makers of Morrowind and Oblivion.
As it is I am glad to see that they are keeping most of the original feel of the game and just updating the graphics and adding new features. Because over and over again I have seen it happen; they take an awesome game and ruin the game thinking they are making it better. (If it ain't broke don't fix it) From the screenshots that they have already posted on GameSpot I am stoked for it just from the fact that they are keeping the old school look with a new school touch.
(Wii) Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - Capcom is taking the classic survival horror series in a rather unexpected direction on the Wii.
I never really liked the first few Resident Evil games because of the very annoying cameras, where you are fighting someone take a step back and then you are pointing in the wrong direction. This was fixed with the new Resident Evil 4, and it camera angle will be completely removed because the new RE will be FPS with the arcade feel. You will be able to purchase a gun holder for your Wii-motes (Which my friend has already gotten). The game will have you continually walk through and you will shoot the people with the gun mote, and to reload you shake the gun. They demo video showed the use of the pistol, shotgun, and sub-machine gun. They also have the herbs back for healing. Looks great and I can not wait till it comes out.
(Wii) Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Duke it out with your favorite Nintendo characters in Super Smash Bros. for the Wii.
I have always had a ton of fun beating the crap out of my friends using different Nintendo characters. So I expect that I will not be disappointed with the next version of this great game. There is not much to say, it looks pretty straight forward but I am wondering how they are going to incorporate the new Wii-Mote.
(360) Grand Theft Auto: IV - The best-selling freestyle crime series is brought onto the new generation of consoles with Grand Theft Auto IV.
This game needs basically no introduction. Everyone and there dog is waiting for this game to come out. I am glad to see that it will be back on the streets of Liberty City meaning that I may not need to learn much of the city over again thanks to GTA3, but I highly doubt that due to the fact that they are going to need to expand on the map size even more after what they have done with GTA:SA. The one thing I am always curious to see is if they are going to have real car names in the game.
I am going to be upgrading my computer, I know it is not going to be the latest and greatest but it is going to be quite a bit of a step up for me. It is coming as a Graduation present and we need to wait on what video card to get as the 2600 looks tempting at the price. I will post more when the time comes.
With the end of my High School life I will now be looking for a job and that means that I will have money to spend on toys. I have a few things that I need to save for and a few items that I wish to buy. The list thus far goes as follows:
36"+ LCD TV (This is for my room and it ties in with a few of the other things I am going to get)
Xbox 360 Elite
Nintendo Wii
Logitech Z-5500 Digital Speakers (These are for the consoles when I am playing them)
Ton of New Games
Good Web Cam (So I can do my video blog again and save my fingers from typing so much)
Car (Unknown what kind I wish to get but hey, as long as I get some wheels)
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