Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Windows Vista Compatibility

I have had Windows Vista running for some time now; since December 12th and I know some people have the same questions that I do about compatibility with programs and driver related problems.

Here are my system specs:
CPU: AMD Barton Mobile running at a true 2.5 with a PR of 3.6

Video Card: Sapphire X800 Pro VIVO running 525 Core 560 Memory
Motherboard: Asus A7N8X 2.0

Memory: 2x512 Corsair PC3200 PT

I will post a list of my programs that I have installed or have tried installing.

Programs that Work Fine: (All of these programs were installed without any complications either during installation or during the use of the applications)



Adobe Photoshop CS2
Alcohol 120%

ATI Catalyst Control Center

Battlefield 2

DivX Codec

EA Link

Half-Life 2

Java Runtime Environment 6

JGsoft EditPad Light 6.1.2

Logitech G11 Keyboard Software 1.03

Logitech Gaming Software (Steering Wheel)

MediaMonkey 2.5

Mozilla Firefox

Need for SPeed Most Wanted


Oblivion Nights of the Nine + Addons


OpenOffice.org 2.1

Picasa 2



SwiftDisc 1.96

Ventrilo Client

VMware Player

Windows Live Messenger

WinRAR Archiver

Programs With Slight Problems:

ATITool – ATI Tool works fine however it does not have permission to startup at Windows startup, I was able to bypass that by switching my user to True Admin.

Azureus – It worked fine for a wile but for some reason it has just decided to not work anymore, it isn't that it doesnt work, but I do not get to see the status of my torrents or live updates, I know it is still downloading because in Statistics it shows that there is activity for the current session.

Crative Audio Console – Works OK, however I can not get the effects to work wile I am on the desktop, I like to listen to music, however sence it is not in 5.1 format it plays in 2.1 and normally you can use a filter called CM2 to make it play in a virtual 5.1 environment.

DVD Shrink 3.2 – Shrinks the DVD's fine however windows has a bug where it does not refresh the DVD Drive when a program is using it, thus when I stick a blank in after compressing my favourite movies it tells me that the DVD is blank and that the write process has failed. I counter this by taking the data and burning it manually.

Logitech ImageStudio – Works for taking picture with my Logitech QuickCam 3000 but crashes when attempting to take videos, I was hoping to use my Cam to make a Video blog about Vista.

Logitech QuickCam Software – Does not recognize my Web Cam however the software does run.

Logitech SetPoint – Same problem as with ATITool

Nero Suite – Works other then it keeps popping up with an error message saying that Windows Vista is not compatible with this software and if I would like to continue anyways.

NHL07 – Works great however due to an issue with the drivers it is stuck in 640x480 mode.

PowerISO – Works other then an error message that appears ever once in a wile stating that the drive is unaccessible.

VideoLan VLC Media Player 0.8.6 – My dad has gotten this program working on his computer but I am having no such luck, I get sound but no video. Which stinks because on one of my videos I can get get Video but no sound with Windows Media player.

Programs that Do Not Work:

Battlefield 2142 Full Demo (1 Month Full Trial) – I can sometimes get the game to run for a short period of time however it is inevitable that the game will crash shortly after getting into the game.

Need for Speed Carbon – Wont work, even with the posted work arounds that people have tried. (Please read my NFSC review for a little more insite Here)

Feel free to ask me any questions that you have.


Anonymous said...

Have you overcome the problems with Logitech Cam not being recognized? Similar issue on my system but cannot utilize cam then.

IcIrIs said...

I was not able to get it working, however I was able to use different software.

Anonymous said...

I know you left this post ages ago, but I recently got Logitech Image Studio and if you go into the Image Studio Directory and find ImgStd.exe (or something like that - it has a white webcam as its icon) right click it, go to compatibility, and check [run as administrator] AND [run as WINDOWS XP] then it records fine and no TVideoS error,


Anonymous said...

In July, 2008, Shockwave invaded my Vista machine with an "update" and now it does not work.I found a website with "corrections" that take an IT genious to run. Does anyone have a simple, one-click download with a compatable Shockwave program?

Anonymous said...

An useful review

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