Monday, April 23, 2007


I am sorry for the readers that have been missing out on new articles for the last little wile. I have been working on things for both school and side work that have taken up my time and any spare time I have been getting I have spent biking and recovering from muscle injuries from that.

I am going to be working on a few things in the next little wile. I will be working on getting a Clan/Gaming web site going. So I will be looking for members who are 16-18+ preferably older due to the fact that I have had quite a few issues with members younger than that no matter what, unless they are the child of one of the older members. I want to start more of a gaming community of a tight nit group that enjoy playing and talking with each other. Expect to see more information on this as time goes on.

As it comes to movies I have not been watching as many lately due to the time issues, however I am going to be trying to set aside some time either each night or every other night to watch a new movie to write a review on it. The video reviews however have been put on hold until I am able to purchase a new video camera, I dropped my web cam wile I was cleaning and it has not worked since.

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