Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Weekly Update 3

Sorry about the late update but I have been busy gaming and completely forgot about the site.

As it is in Oblivion I have finally reached level 21. I have completed just about all of the Daedric Quests. I have yet to finish the main storyline in my current game however that will be my next task after I complete the Daedric ones. For some reason in my game even though I am at a high level I am unable to find the set of armor that I want. However since I am now at level 21 I will be wanting to get the Daedric set. The sword I got from one of the Deadric quests is the one that I am currently using, the Ebony Blade (Fast and Deadly).

I have not reinstalled NHL07 since my installation of XP, so I have made no progress in this.

Need for Speed Carbon works again since I reinstalled XP, and that has been a good pass time when I am taking a break from Oblivion. I started a new game and have an old one that I can play on. I have not gotten very far in the new game since it is very very repetitive. The main thing I like to do in the game is design cars with the Autosculpt mod.

XP is running great just like it always did. I am not saying that I am going to stick with XP the whole time, but as it is their are to many things that could be improved on Vista. I will be waiting for the first Service pack before I give Vista another go.

With the new semester underway I now have two extra days off in which I will try and get more gaming in. Wednesdays and Fridays. I want to see if I can pick up a new game. I am wanting to shoot for Neverwinter Nights 2. I personally loved the first one and I played the complete storyline (With all of the official expansion packs) 3 times through, and have yet to even set my fingers on a copy of NWN2.

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